A Mother’s Day Trivia Fiesta

Mothers are the backbone of families and societies around the world. They nurture, guide, and support us through every stage of life. On this special day, we celebrate the incredible women who have shaped us into who we are today.

Get ready to test your knowledge about the history, traditions, and fascinating facts surrounding Mother’s Day with this fun trivia quiz! You’ll learn interesting tidbits about how this holiday began and evolved over time. 

Did you know that the origins of Mother’s Day can be traced back to ancient Greek and Roman festivals honoring mother goddesses? Or that the modern American version was first celebrated in 1908, after years of campaigning by Anna Jarvis to create a day to honor mothers?

You’ll also discover quirky Mother’s Day traditions from different cultures around the globe. In Ethiopia, families gather for a big feast where the mothers are served first and don’t have to cook or clean up. In Mexico, the day honors the Virgin Mary as well as mothers.

So put on your thinking caps and get ready to dazzle your family with your Mother’s Day expertise! This trivia is the perfect way to celebrate the women who mean so much to us all. Let’s get started!

A Mother's Day Trivia Fiesta

When is Mother's Day typically celebrated in many parts of the world?
Which president signed Mother's Day into law as a national holiday?
Who is often credited as the "Mother of Mother's Day"?
What flower is traditionally associated with Mother's Day?
What is the most common gift given on Mother's Day?
In which year was the first official Mother's Day celebrated?
What is the name of the founder of the modern Mother's Day holiday?
Which president issued a proclamation declaring the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day?
In which month is Mother's Day celebrated in some parts of the world?
What is the traditional dessert served on Mother's Day in many households?
A Mother's Day Trivia Fiesta
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